- The offer will run from May 7, 2015 to until further notice
- All GP Pre-paid subscribers (except ERS and BPO) who are not using their connections since March 22, 2015 or before will be able enjoy this offer
- To check the offer eligibility send “May 017XXXXXXX” to 9999
- Unregistered customers and who are not using their connections since inception to December 31, 2012 is not eligible for this offer
- Data Charge will be free while using Facebook, Facebook Messenger and ComoYo messenger applications. Data charge will be applicable for other data based services and/or browsing through proxy based browsers like Opera etc
- Free Facebook offer will be valid for 30 days. After validity period, the offer will be deactivated
- Customers will get a maximum of 4GB data on Facebook, Facebook Messenger and comoYo messenger after opt-in
- If customer avails this offer after availing a 3G package, Facebook volume will be added to the 3G package but Facebook volume shall only be used for Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Comoyo.
- If non Internet customers avails the offer, the special Facebook offer will be deactivated after 30 days of activation date
- If customers crosses the Facebook volume quota within 30 days, they will be charged as Tk 0.01/10KB till expiry date
- Maximum Internet speed will be 1 Mbps for free Internet. 3G speed only applicable for areas which fall under 3G coverage zone.
- To check remaining Facebook volume dial *566*1# or to check other Internet volume dial *567#
- In addition customers will be able to enjoy 2GB Free Internet on every 75 MB Starter Pack purchase during the offer period
- This 2GB is usable anytime 24 hours
- Free 2GB offer will be disbursed within 72 hours of Starter Pack Purchase
- Validity of 2GB will be 30 days and 2GB will add-up with 75MB and higher validity will be applicable
- Price of 75MB is 30 taka (+VAT)
- 15 % VAT applicable
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